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Amazon Rainforest Chainsaw Massacre 



  • Eat less cow meat (beef). 

  • Go vegan or vegetarian!

  • Plant trees for your local nonprofit.

  • Do not buy products with palm oil in them.

  • See the burgers on the grill? Try plant based burgers like Beyond or Impossible Burgers. 

What can you do?

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Donate today!

  • The Amazon forest is the worlds largest rainforest and produces about 20% of the world's oxygen. If it is irrevocably damaged, it could start emitting carbon instead -- the major driver of climate change.

  • The Amazon rainforest has lost the equivalent of 8.4 million soccer fields over the past decade due to deforestation. The majority of the land is cleared for cattle. 

  • Brazil is the world's largest exporter of beef, providing close to 20% of the total global export.

  • Scientist say the Amazon could irreversibly degrade into a dry savannah.

- CNN​

Did you know? (Deforestation)​



​Trees naturally clean our air by storing CO2 (a harmful greenhouse gas) in their trunks. So when we burn down forest that is just like releasing a carbon bomb back into the air, which as a result, contributes to climate change.

Why Trees?


  • The Average American eats 156 burgers per person per year.

  • Animal agriculture (animals raised for food) is the number one cause of deforestation worldwide and second largest contributor to man-made greenhouse gas emissions.

  • We use 8 times as much land to feed livestock than to feed humans. 

  • 1/3 of water used in the world goes to animal agriculture. Water scarcity already affects more than 40% of the world's population.

  • Livestock farming is the leading cause of ocean dead zones (areas where no marine life can survive).

  • Livestock farming is the leading cause of biodiversity loss.

  • Animal Agriculture is the most destructive industry on our planet. 


- Eating Our Way To Extinction Documentary 

Did you know? (Animal Agriculture)

Cow farts and burps

In feedlots, cows are being fed corn and soy instead of their typical diet of grass. When cows eat corn and soy they burp (and fart) a harmful greenhouse gas called methane that contributes to climate change. 

Watch these documentaries to learn more!

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