Dead Sea
Plastic Pollution
Look up!
This is what marine animals see in the ocean.
Every year 8 milllion tons of plastic are dumped into our oceans.
There is enough plastic thrown away ever year to circle the earth 4 times. Watch this video to learn more.
Worldwide we purchase 1 million plastic bottles and use 2 million plastic bags every minute.
In the United States, plastic is primarily made from ethane, a byproduct of natural gas fracking. The U.S. uses a significant amount of oil to produce plastic, including about 12 million barrels of oil for plastic bags and 17 million barrels of oil for plastic water bottles each year.
Did you know?​
Watch the Video above!
Microplastics is another word for small plastics, larger plastic items often break down into tiny pieces called microplastics. Microplastics are often the most harmful kind of plastic as sea life think these little colorful pieces of plastic look like food, so animals eat the plastic. When their bellies are full of plastic, they stop eating (thinking they are full) which eventually leads to their death.
Try not using single use plastics (i.e. plastic bags, bottles, straws, etc.).
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Repeat
Use bamboo products (bamboo hair brushes, cutlery kits, toothbrushes, straws)
Use reusable water bottles
Use reusable shopping/produce bags
Shop in bulk
Participate in local river/lake/beach cleanups!
What can you do?
Watch these documentaries
to learn more!​
at a beach cleanup!

Do you see the turtle
and the jellyfish?
Plastic bags are the most commonly ingested type of debris amongst sea turtles. - NOAA​